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SOLD! Agilent 7890A & 7890B w/ 7693 Autosampler (2) Gas Chromatographs ON SALE! Great deal for 2 GC Lab Instruments

Regular price $26,500.00 USD
Regular price $52,000.00 USD Sale price $26,500.00 USD
Sale Sold out

PRICE REDUCED! 2 Agilent 7890 Gas Chromatographs! Agilent 7890B with 7693 Autosampler & Agilent 7890A.  One low priced bundle deal! It is possible to purchase one of the 2 systems, just contact me directly.

The 7890B was manufactured in 2018, and includes the 7693 Autosampler.

  • Retention Time Locking (RTL) maintains exact retention times from injection to injection, column to column, instrument to instrument, and lab to lab
  • Capillary Flow Technology (CFT) provides unique instrument capabilities, such as multi-dimension gas chromatography (GC-GC/Deans Switch), comprehensive two-dimension gas chromatography (GCxGC) with flow modulation, and backflush at the beginning, middle, or end of the analytical column
  • Single filament TCD that does not require a separate reference gas, does not require manual potentiometer adjustment, and provides a stable baseline with a minimal amount of signal drift
  • Auto-ranging FID provides the ability to detect and quantitate from parts per billion (ppb) to parts per thousand in a single injection
  • Integrated SCD/NCD (sulfur or nitrogen chemiluminescence detector) provides low ppb detection, equi-molar response, and quantitation for sulfur or nitrogen contaminants without quenching from matrix
  • Helium conservation module and alternative carrier gas solutions dramatically reduce the amount of helium used to offer flexibility and cost savings for your laboratory
  • Optional Hydrogen Sensor Module Series 2 detects hydrogen leaks early and shuts off gas flows, continuously monitors status using built-in intelligent diagnostics, and requires calibration only every six months
  • Large Valve Oven (LVO) allows for the combination of multiple methods and simplified maintenance
  • Multimode inlet (MMI) serves as a programmable temperature vaporizing injector with flexible capabilities
  • Agilent Inert Flow Path provides increased sensitivity for active compounds, from injection to detection
  • Low Thermal Mass (LTM) modules, up to 4 installed and operating, increase sample throughput with rapid column heating and cooling